May love arrive gently
become the passion
a storm within your soul.
New Blog!
To all of you who have followed me on my blogging journey, and to any new
followers, I created a new blog site on my new website.
Baer Books Press - Blog
10 years ago
1 comment:
I am married and my wife and I have had seven children and have nine grand-children. We own six Pugs and two shi-tzu's. We love our pets and talk about them more than the kids or thier kids. We believe that because of always having a full house, the pets have filled in the emptiness. We rescued the oldest Pug that we own, he has only one eye and had lost his lower fangs and broke some rips and a leg in a car accident. The momma Pug is his sweety and she had two boys from a black pug that was attacked when the boys were only three months old. We also bought two sisters for the boys that were about a year and a half old when we got the sisters. hier names are Jake (he is the rescued pug) Ginger and her two boys Mickey and Ralphie and the two sisters Countess Chloe and Rose Blossum. Mickey is black like his father the rest are fawn. The two shi-tzu's (Daisey-mae and Otis)are moody compared to the pugs. But thay all play together.
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