Sunday, April 5, 2009

Poem In A Pocket - Contest

April is National Poetry Month and April 30, 2009 is the second annual
"Poem in Your Pocket Day."
The idea is simple: select a poem you love during National Poetry Month then
carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends on April 30,

In honor of "Poem in Your Pocket Day" I would like you to submit a poem no
longer than 10 lines to me at novelistatwildbluedotnet with the words Pocket
Poem in subject line.

Put the title of the poem in the body of email above the poem. Please do not
send attachments.
Deadline is April 28th and poems will be posted on April 30th at: Poem In A Pocket Contest without names
and winners will be announced on May 8. Prizes will be awarded for 1, 2, and
3 place.

Poems must be G rated... no erotica or X-Rated Poems.

Now stop reading and get on with writing your poem..


Morgan Mandel said...

I'm not a poet, but poem in a pocket is a cute idea.

Morgan Mandel

Gayle Hedrington said...

I am not a poet either, however I do write poetry.. a short poem is an everyday man thing...

Thanks for stopping by... and I hope to see an entry from you.